Astra Academia


Welcome to AstraAcdemia, an academy to promote research and development.

AstraAcademia is one of the main units of Astrabionics company, focusing on the field of education through practice in research and development.

In short, the list of activities of this unit are:

  1. Recruiting Interns and experts and managing and training them according to the training calendar.
  2. Communication with universities and professors to introduce Astracademy and attract students and produce science.
  3. Scientific publications in collaboration with university professors and publishing articles and book chapters.
  4. Definition of training courses for R&D unit staff as well as interested people outside the company.
  5. Mentoring and specialized research and development consulting for companies active in the field of science and product production.
  6. Introduction of the company and Astracademy through podcasts and content production.



AstraAcademy’s vision is to be recognized as a credible source in the field of education and professional research and development. The main goal of AstraAcademy is practical training of students by participating in real projects to make companies improvement and research and development easier, low cost and more beneficial.

As mentioned, training and specialized research and development without borders or restriction to access resources in the world, is our vision. research and development without borders.


Mission of Astra Academy is to train young people for future, to learn how to move on the edge of the science, define a project and do specialized research and development for it to build high technology products, especially in bionics and robotics field.

Astra academy is focused on the following areas:

  1. improve practical training and individual and executive skills of student to be specialist in their own field of study and interests.
  2. expert mentoring on research and development based on the needs of companies.
  3. Scientific publications based on real tests.



Sustainability – we are stable, growing and nurturing.

Innovation – we are creative, pro-active and visionary.

Respect – we are considerate and treat others with care and respect.

Integrity – we are accountable and honest in everything we do.

Diversity – we strive to engage all those who live, work and play in our community.

Pride – we are proud of our community and our successes.

Accountability – we are accountable to the community and are responsible for doing what we say we will do.